World Economic Journal (WEJ) is an independent international magazine covering economic trends, social and urban development, sustainability, technology and innovation, and more, with a focus on emerging and frontier markets. We debunk stereotypes created by partisan politics, and offer our readers the chance to draw their own conclusions based on objective facts and data.
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Will the Euro Fall by 10%?

There is a growing clamor in the Eurozone from those who believe that the euro is overvalued, and that this is blocking the…

New Global Business Leaders

The world is changing before our very eyes. Even 15 years ago, it was reasonable to use the word “unipolarity” to talk about the…

An Environmentally Conscious China

The emission of greenhouse gases has a detrimental effect not just for China’s ecology, but for the world’s as well. In 1990,…

A City of Angels

If you travel towards the mountains along the French Riviera, just north of the coast, among the villas, olive trees, and plants…

Money Isn’t Rushing to Russia

Russian authorities are constantly declaring that attracting foreign investments into the regions is one of the main objectives of…

So Rich, So Poor

The gap between the world’s richest and the poorest countries is growing rapidly, and most poor countries have recently…