Monday, March 3


The World Economic Journal’s “WEJ Awards” recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to specific fields while demonstrating a commitment to advancing humanity. In…

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This year, prizes were awarded in 9 nominations: “Good Health and Well-Being”, “Quality Education”, “Clean Water and Sanitation”, “Affordable and Clean Energy”, “Decent Work and Economic Growth”, “Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure”, “Reduced Inequalities”, “Sustainable Cities and Communities”, and “Partnerships for the Goals”.

On December 20, 2022, the winners of the World Innovation Award “Innovation Angel” 2022 were announced:
*In the nomination “Effective specialized institutions for the development of subjects of the states of the world in the field of innovative development: “For contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals”, the winners were announced:
Moscow Innovation Agency;
Innovation Development Fund of the Krasnodar Territory;
*In the nomination “Innovation Angel in the field of engineering innovation: “For contribution to the achievement of 11 SDGs”, the winners were announced:
PJSC KAMAZ (Republic of Tatarstan).

On December 20, 2022, the winners of the World Investment Award “Investment Angel” 2022 were announced:
*In the nomination “Investment Angel in the field of investments in the development and implementation of innovations” For contribution to the achievement of SDG 9: Building a solid infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and innovation, the winners are announced:
PJSC “AKRON” (Novgorod region);
CJSC “Plyterra” (Republic of Mordovia);
* In the nomination “Effective specialized institutions for the development of subjects of the states of the world in the field of investment development: “For contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals” the winner was announced:
NO “Guarantee Fund – Microcredit Company of the Republic of Khakassia”. 

The organizer of the award, the World Organization for Development, based on the candidates provided by the leadership of the Russian regions for competitive selection, as a result of data received from artificial intelligence for territorial entities (AITE) and the analytical service WOD-Research, announced the winners of the first stage of the Global Awards “Angel for Sustainable Development” in series of Awards: “Innovation Angel”, “Technology Angel”, “Investment Angel”, “Women Angels for SDGs”, “Business Angel for SDGs”. 

The world is changing before our very eyes. Even 15 years ago, it was reasonable to use the word “unipolarity” to talk about the power balance in politics and economics. Benchmarks for success in business were also set by Western companies. The structure of the present world order is much more diverse. The role of the locomotive of economic growth lies with developing countries, and companies that originated there are increasingly conquering heights set by Western businesses. BCG ranked 100 countries with emerging markets that have the chance to determine the shape of the global economy in the coming decades.

In recent years, developing countries have justifiably earned the title “driver of economic progress.” Already, their markets are voluminous and will be even more so in the foreseeable future, thanks to the constantly high rate of economic growth. At the same time, a national accumulation of wealth is taking place, as consumer savings grow in response to the increase in income. Overall, this leads to an improvement in the general welfare of the citizens in those countries. Thus, in 2012, private wealth grew 7.8% worldwide, mostly thanks to developing countries in Asia. Prosperity indicators in Asia (13.8%) and Latin America (10.5%) were significantly higher than the global average. Furthermore, BCG projects that by 2017, developing countries will account for 70% of all increases in private wealth.

Where does business develop in Russia? WEJ created a list of the top-ranking regions throughout Russia where over the last two years, small and medium businesses have developed particularly actively.

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The World Economic Journal’s “WEJ Awards” recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to specific…

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The World Economic Journal’s “WEJ Awards” recognize individuals who have made significant…