World Economic Journal (WEJ) is an independent international magazine covering economic trends, social and urban development, sustainability, technology and innovation, and more, with a focus on emerging and frontier markets. We debunk stereotypes created by partisan politics, and offer our readers the chance to draw their own conclusions based on objective facts and data.
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The New Capital of Terrorism

Two and a half years ago, when the last coalition forces left Iraq, U.S. President Barack Obama said that Americans were "leaving…

Canadian oil ambitions

Ever since the shale gas revolution in the US that received its recognition in the second half of the 2000s, the majority of…

The Cost of Corruption

Corruption everywhere inhibits economic growth and hinders the development of the private sector. Research conducted by the World…

Why Rush To Join Europe?

On June 27 the EU signed an Association Agreement with three post-Soviet states: Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia. Traditionally, the…

China Enters the Market

According to a recent study by Standard & Poor′s, China ranked first in the world in terms of the size of its corporate debt,…