The World Economic Journal’s “WEJ Awards” recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to specific fields while demonstrating a commitment to advancing humanity. In…
The advent of industrialization has seen a massive shift of…
BRICS is an informal intergovernmental organization of developing economies aiming…
UNDP/RNP The UN Legal Identity project in Honduras has a special focus on Indigenous Peoples,…
UN Photo/Ray Witlin A man fishes on Lake Fewa in Nepal. The upcoming summit “will…
© UNICEF/Sayed Bidel A group of elementary school girls sit in their classroom at a…
Unsplash/Fikri Rasyid A man pedals a traditional Becak rickshaw down a busy street in Bandung…
© UNICEF/Ilvy Njiokiktjien Afra, held by her mother Therese, is being checked for malnourishment at…
© UNFPA/Luis Tato The motorcycle ambulance has significantly reduced the time required to deliver essential…
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The World Economic Journal’s “WEJ Awards” recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to specific…
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The World Economic Journal’s “WEJ Awards” recognize individuals who have made significant…
The advent of industrialization has seen a massive shift of people from…
BRICS is an informal intergovernmental organization of developing economies aiming to counterbalance…