The advent of industrialization has seen a massive shift of people from the countryside and villages to urban environments. Per a UN report, a…
PREREQUISITES FOR FUTURE CHANGES According to the International Monetary Fund…
Сentral Asia is experiencing a new stage of development. Historically,…
BRICS Business Capitals To acknowledge the crucial role of successful urban ecosystems in corporations’ sustainable…
In 2011, during the January 25 Revolution, “bread” was one major rallying cry for the…
Not all is rosy in the Middle Kingdom. Since 2021, its economy has been destabilized…
The Main Topics of the September 2024 Issue of the World Economic Journal
It also drives forced migration. If people can no longer produce food on their land then they will migrate. As we have seen for example in the Sahel or Haiti, there can be severe consequences for global security. When people fight over access to land and water, it leads to more conflicts. We are seeing more of this, and it has consequences on the homogeneity of communities and on national economies.
© UNICEF/Lasse Bak Mejlvang Workers construct barriers to combat sea erosion along the coastline…
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The World Economic Journal’s “WEJ Awards” recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to specific…
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The World Economic Journal’s “WEJ Awards” recognize individuals who have made significant…
The advent of industrialization has seen a massive shift of people from…
BRICS is an informal intergovernmental organization of developing economies aiming to counterbalance…