Jay Nibbe forecasts the future of the developing countries and the economic situation in Europe. |
Marta Bonifert talked about how to support the production of clean energy. |
How will world energy develop? Rodney John Allam discussed the question. |
Ahmad Al-Madani talked about the influence of Islamic banking on the global financial system. |
Hans Ferheggen reported on changes in the public sector that can help to fight the crisis. |
Will the G-Global initiative be able to help combat the crisis in Europe? That was the topic for Marc Uzan. |
Robert Alexander Mundell, Nobel Laureate in Economics, Professor of Economics at Columbia University Robert Abdullin, Editor of World Economic Journal, interviewed Robert Mundell. |
Alejandro Jara talked about the benefits to Kazakhstan and other countries if they join the trade organization. |
Caspar van den Berg spoke about current issues in the modernization of public service. |
Thomas Helbling discussed the importance of the World Economic Survey. |